Staking cryptocurrencies involves locking native tokens (such as ETH) within a Proof-of-Stake blockchain. This process helps secure the network and offers rewards in return.A41 offers a non-custodial staking service, allowing users to retain full control of their assets while participating in network security and earning rewards.
A41 supports staking on 18+ different blockchain networks (and counting), including Ethereum, Aptos, Sui and so on. You can see the full list of currently supported chains here.
Yes—like all investments, staking comes with certain risks, including crypto price changes, security threats, and poor validator performance. However, A41 mitigates these risks with robust security measures, slashing insurance, and a selection of high-performance validators with 99.9% uptime.
Rewards are typically calculated based on several factors, including the amount of assets you have staked, network inflation rates, and the performance of the validator. You can find detailed information about yields for each of the networks A41 supports here.